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communication and related technologies
(History of Technology)
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numbers and keywords wizard, linking onto various pages<<
- About Navigating on this website (consideration,
about us)
- About the
objectives of our Foundation (About us)
product leaflets 1930s (Handbooks papers and product information)
- Airborne
command transmitter (transponder?) module (unidentified type
- Akustische
Strahlungsleistung von Kreis- und Kugelgruppen(Sonar), F.A.
- Allied
post-war reports on German Science and Industry (FIAT-CIOS-BIOS)(selection)
- Anniversary
10 Years “Fernseh A.G. 1929 - 1939”,
Germany (TV tech 1930 - 1945)
Rotterdam (AGR), minutes of meeting 1943/44 (History of radar)
- Archive
displays, radar, communications, measurments, transmitter, computer
- Artefacts,
on display (exhibits)
- Aspects
of German Airborne Radar Technology 1942-1945
(airborne radar history)
- Aspects of precision measurements
(in Dutch language)
- Ausdehnungs-Thermometer,
History of
Expansion Thermometer 1600 - 1848 (ATM)
- ATM,
Archiv für Technisches Messen, papers on scientific measuring techniques
- Barkhausen-Kurz, retarding
field (B-K)valve theory, H.G. Möller
(ENT vairous)
- Blauschrift-Röhre
type LB50, paper on The Skiatron or Dark Trace Tube
- Ballistische
(Ballistic) Galvanometer, Flux, Kriechgalvanometer (ATM Various)
- Bändchen
mikrophon (Ribbon type microphone) Siemens & Halske (ENT various)
counters, developed in Germany between 1940 - 1945
(BCD counters)
- Berlin
FuG 224 = FuMO81, circuit discription handbook
- Bildtelegraphie, Lorenz-Korn system, 2
contributions, 50 years C. Lorenz anniversary
- Bolometer-Amplifier, (ATM various)
- British HF/DF operator recollections, during wartime convoy escorts
- Broadcast
stations permitted (authorized) by the Germans 1941
- Brown (patent) Microphone Amplifier, (≈1900-1920)(Archive
- Bruneval
Report, T.R.E.(TRE) 6/R/25, on the Britsih raid of 28 February 1942(transcipt)
- Calit
& Calan, Hescho brochure on ceramics, state of the art of 1932/33
- Cambridge A.C. Instruments for High Frequencies, Catalogue 162 of 1925/27
- Carl
Zeiss Stiftung, transcript of some interesting pages of CIOS report
- CFQ Quartz-clock,
designed by Rohde and Leonardt of Rohde & Schwarz (CFQ)
- Conducting
properties of aluminium at high frequencies (FTM 1936)
- Curious
(small) archive displays (>curious
archive displays<)
- Dajeukolot
(Dajeuhkolot) radio station ≈ 1938 and 1989
- Das
neue Patentgesetz, paper on new German patent-legislation of
- Dielectric
wires and waveguides (FTM 1938)
- Diesselhorst
Thermokräftefreies Kompensationsapparat 1906-1908 (Zs.f.Instrumk.)
- Dijkstra's
interesting recollections on: Radio-Malabar and his time in Dutch-Indies
- Diversity
reception, Gerät zur Auswahl des lauteren Übertragungsweges (ENT
- DK-Classification
(Dewey system), Über das Ordnen technischen Schrifttums (ENT)
- Düsseldorf/Aachen
talk ‘06, on Hülsmeyer and his early radar commitments,
- Elektrometerröhren, electrometer valve(tube)
technology, (ATM various)
- Elektronenstrahl-Oszillograph
(CRT-scope) literature list up to 1939 (ATM various)
- Elektronenstrahl-Oszillograph,
aspects of the history of CRT oscilloscopes (ATM various)
- Elster
DMG2T, UHF telephone communication set (curious
archive displays)
- Enigma,
aspects of wireless
communications during the Battle of the Atlantic
- Enigma
manual M Dv Nr 32/1, Marine Druckschriftverwaltung Nr 32/1 (Handbooks)
- E.N.T.
Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik, paper selection (in progress)
(ENT various)
- Ernst
Lecher Institute,
research report on radar ECCM technology 1945
- Europe Missed the Transistor,
IEEE paper, (Weblinks)
- Exhibits
(radar- communication- audio recorder- measurement- apparatus)
- Fading past
and memories, about Mr van Oosten, Dijkstra and Poulsen transmitter
- Ferdinand
Braun's CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) paper of 1897
- Fernseh
AG (GmbH) Hausmitteilungen
(research & development papers) (TV-tech)
- Fischer's
(F.A.) paper on artificial beam forming, he was famous in sonar
(ENT various)
- FM
broadcasting, future aspects (Method Armstrong)(Radio Mentor
- Franke
Kompensationsapparat (Potentiometer)(Zs.f.Instrumentenkunde 1904)
- FTM,
Funktechnische Monatshefte (in progress) (FTM various)
- G-Schreiber
T52d (SFM T52d),
Handbooks papers and product
- German
Electronic Engineering in the 1930s (synopsis)
- German Radar during
WW II (World War Two), (Exhibits,
Displays and Subject details)
Gleichwellenrundfunk, synchronous-wave broadcasting,
3 papers (C. Lorenz)(ENT)
- Goliath, a 1 MW
tuneable VLF transmitter, used for U-boat communications 1943/45
- Gundelach
CRT and special valve (tube) catalogue
(Handbooks and papers)
- Handbooks,
manuals and product information (in progress)
- Hell technische Mitteilung,
Entwicklungen (R&D)1929-1939, Rudolf Hell (Handbooks)
- Heinrich
Mannheim’s son Günther Mannheim, query: who knows about him?
(Radar I)
- Hescho ceramic capacitor catalogue, 1938 (Handbooks
and papers)
- Hescho
product guide, very interesting product information (Hescho guide
versus U-boat
wireless communications (Huff-Duff)
- Hisentroll and Hisenvert, German apparatus,
a British paper of 1946 (Handbooks)
- History
of televison, prior to 1937, Entwicklung des Fernsehens (Fernsehen&Tonfilm)
- Hohentwiel
FuG200, aspects of transmitter circuit design, Hans Jucker(Handbooks)
- Hollerith
machines, utilised by Speer's Ministry and for military statistics
(BIOS 273)
- Hollmann's
interesting book on UHF technologies (1936),
Righi, Mesny.. (Handsbooks)
- Hülsmeyer and the early days of radar
inventions, sense and nonsense (Radar I)
- Hülsmeyer
memorial tablet, and a photograph of those whom contributed (Radar I)
- Hülsmeyer's
(Huelsmeyer) radio interview on 50 Years of Radar, 1954
(Radar I)
- Hülsmeyer's
coherer receiver of ≈1904/1905,
replica (copy)(Archive displays)
- Johann Philipp Reis, 1834-1874-1934, the
inventor of the (word) "Telephone" (ENT)
- Kathodophon microphone, ENT paper January 1929
(ENT various)
- Kennelly
(Arthur Edwin) 70 years (by K.W. Wagner)(ENT various)
- Keramische
Spezialmassen, special ceramic compounds, H.Handreck (Hescho
- Knickebein
receiver FuG28a, receiver of Crooked Leg system, exhibits,
archive displays
- Köln
E52, patent transcriptions on releated patent applications
- Köln
E52, photos of the famous 1941 Telefunken "Luftboden-Programm" catalogue
- Köln
E52 Eichmaschine, an automatic photographical scale calibration apparatus
- Köln
E52 (koeln) main subject page
(Köln E52 history)
- Köln
E52 receiver, how to re-calibrate its frequency scale professionally?
(Köln E52)
- Kompensations-Apparate
für Gleichspannung (ATM various)
- Kootwijk
catalogue of the November 2000 event on aspects of precision measurements
- Kootwijk-Radio archives, its
remaining paper and photographic documents, up to 2001
- Kootwijk
pictures, taken by Klaas Dijkstra in 1927
- Kriegstagebuch-Chef-TLR
(KTB) Chef technische Luftrüstung, war diary Dec.'44-April'45
- Kurier
U-boat's, misterious, fast wireless signal system (1944/45)
- Leichtmetalle als Austausch-Werkstoffe,
paper on "Autarkie"(autarky) 1939 (ATM)
- Lichtenstein
radars FuG202 & FuG220 SN2, Hans Jucker (Handbooks and papers)
- LMS10
vs CV64, TRE report on the parameters of the German magnetron copy
of 1945
Lorenz 50 Jahre,
fifty years anniversary of the C. Lorenz Company
- Lorenz,
applications on VHF and UHF, fifty years anniversay of C. Lorenz
- Luftboden-Empf-Programm, Telefunken's revolutionary receiver E 52
- Luftfahrtröhren,
German Air Force valves(tubes), including some commenced projects
- Luminous
quartz crystal photographs
- M1K
a magnificent Telefunken transmitter of 1943 (exhibits)(archive
- Magnetron
split-anode type, Runge's paper of 1934 (Telefunken Zeitung '34)
- Magnetron
strapping technology (Handbooks&papers)(LMS10 versus CV64)
- Malabar
Radio, Telefunken-Zeitung paper of October 1925 (Handbooks)
- Max-A
and Max-P, an advanced DF homing system (Blaupunkt 1944-1945)(Handbook)
- Metox Saga, U-boat's radar warning receiver (Huff Duff)
- Military
(telephone) line communications, deployed
by the Germans, prior to 1945
- Mischgerät
(Mischgeraet), the analog computer of the V 2, (exhibits and
- Navigational
aids (including the German "Beams" against Britain)
- Naxos, a German
mobile radar direction finder
- Notlandung
eines B-17 mit APS-15 an Bord, in der Schweiz (History
of radar)
- NVK, German
Naval Communications Research Establishment (1920 - 1945)
- Patent
selection, of interesting German patent numbers, (in progress)(Patents
documents, how to approach it for keywords effectively
- Phased
array basics, brief introduction, by Hans Jucker (Handbooks)
- Poulsen
transmitter at Radio Malabar, (pictures originating from Dijkstra's
- Product
information on, Siemens & Halske, Hartmann & Braun, Steatit-Magnesia
(now Rohde & Schwarz) product catalogue 1938
quartz-clock, designed by Giebe and Scheibe of the German Bureau of
- Quarzuhren (Quartz clocks), 4 papers by A. Scheibe of the German PTR (ATM various)
- Quecksilberthermometer PTR, Mercury
precison (Hg) thermomter, (ATM various)
- Radar
experiments on 4.7 cm, Doppler and puls techniques in the US by GE
(FTM 1937)
- Radar,
RCM versus Wurzburg(Würzburg), transcription of U.S. wartime
- Radio
Luxemburg effect, Cross-Modulation phenomena (FTM)
- Radio
Mentor, selection of papers on: TV, FM broadcasting, microphone
- Rationalization
of future German Radio Industry 1939
(Radio Mentor)
- Rehbock, an
ingenious German range calibrator (Radar test-gear)
- Rel.mse.2030a
circuit description "Rel beschr 755a", audio spectrum analyzer
- Report
on a trip to the V2 (=A4) launching site, The Hague in Holland, December
- Resotank
Type HB14, article Zs f.Hochfr.&Elektroakustik June 1943
- Reisz
Mikrophon (Reiss microphone) (curious
archive displays)
- Rukop's
paper on Telefunken valves (tubes)(selection) (Handbooks and
- Runge
Wilhelm T., letter to Fritz
Trenkle 1983 (contribution to the history of radar)
- Schering-Messbrücken
(Schering Bridge) (ATM various)
- Schering Vibrationsgalvanometer mit
elektr.magn. Abstimmung (Handbooks)
- Seetakt
radar modules, employing TS1 and TS1a valves
+ module TU106 (TS6) (Gema)
- Siemens
condenser microphone type SM7a (Radio Mentor)+(Siemens Zs.
- Siemens
& Halske telephone measuring catalogue 1940 (selection)(Siemens cat. 1940)
- Siemens & Halske, classical pre-war components (in progress)(Handbooks leaflets)
- Siemens-Übermikroskop, Borries' and Ruska's
Electron-Microscope apparatus (1940)
- Siemens-Verdan
system for telex error corrections on wireless links (Handbooks)
- Some
aspects of ONS 5, the convoy that changed the Battle of the Atlantic (Huff
- Some aspects of the history of radar,
1910 up to 1937 (Radar II)
- Sonar,
U-boat's Gruppenhorchgerät (GHG) (Group
listening apparatus)
- Spiegel-Galvanometer
Kipp&Zonen Delft Holland, Zernike, Moll-Dyck (ATM various)
- Stenzel's paper on:
bearing patterns of grouped
radiators (ENT various)
- Subject
details (about us)
- Subject reference dBase (pdf), our quick
facts and data source finder (in progress)
- Telefunken
exclusively owned by AEG, Siemens swopped his 50% share (Radio
- Telefunken
Mikrofone aus: Funktechnik in Briefen (1938) (Handbooks and
- Telefunken
transmitter valves (tubes) "RS data sheets", 1920-1939 (Kootwijk
- Telefunken
low and medium power valves (tubes), RV, RL, RG, RGQ and RSQ series
- Telefunkenröhren
(valves) Verwendungshinweise, appication theory(Kootwijk
- Telefunken
Zeitung papers 1934 , on Magnetron, Siemens-Verdan error corrections
- Theory
of magnetic recording (steel disc and wire) magnetische Tonaufzeichnung(ENT)
- Thyratron,
The Evolution of Hydrogen Thyratron (Handbooks)
- Tonschreiber
b, (taperecorder type b, 1944) post war investigation report
- Tonverwerfung
und Springen eiens Schwingaudions beim Durchstimmen
.. (Handbooks)
- TV
(Fernsehn) reserach (R&D) commenced in Germany 1939 - 1942 (TV
- TV
receiver type E 1 (E1), introduction and circuit despription
(Radio Mentor 1939/41)
- U-boat
wireless (Radio) equipment (Funkausrüstung) (Huff Duff)
- U-boat's
wireless organisation (Funkführung)
- Ultrakurzwellen-Funkbake,
E. Kramar, (Lorenz blind-landing-system at VHF)(ENT)
- Urdox-Resistors (Widerstände) (ATM various)
- Vibrationsgalvanometer
(vibration galvanometer) three papers (ATM various)
- Web links,
very recommended (URLs)(in progress)
- Werner
von Siemens und das deutsche Patentwesen (1936)(Handbooks&papers)
- Wireless
apparatus of the German military Abwehr service, during WW II
- Wolff
Kompensator Model A -D (Otto Wolff Berlin) (Zs.f.Instrumentenkunde)
- Würzburg GL Radar
(Deckname Würzburg)
(History of Radar)(German language)
- Zeitwaage,
Time balance, measuring time deviations (s/day) of watches (horloges)
- Zeitwaagen, German paper on American Watch-Rate
Recorders (ATM various)
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