Selection of subjects (artefacts) on permanent display (Archives 3)

>>See for curious devices down on this page<<


Keywords (in a non alphabetic order):
Radar Lichtenstein SN 2 = FuG 220 SN2 (Li.SN2)

Line Communications (Telex Siemens & Halske T52d, TOR)

Wireless communications (Naval transceiver)( nickname: Marine Heinrich)

Receiver (FuHE f, FunkHE-f)

Receiver (EO509/III)

Measuring devices

Transmitter (G 1,2K)

Transmitter M1K (=AS60)

Analog airborne computer (Mischgerät, Mischgeraet)

Navigational aid (Funkbeschicker FB 11, FB11)

Airborne command transmitter (transponder?) (unidentified type number)

Morse-Übungsgerät (MÜG. Marine) Morse trainings apparatus. Optical data scanning(≈1942), consider also Exhibit 1994002M

Hülsmeyer's coherer receiver of 1904/1905

Brown Microphone Amplifier (a pre-valve mechanical microphone or telephone amplifier)

Campbell-Vibration Galvanometer (Cambridge Instruments)

Seetakt transmitter modules (Gema radar, Funkmeß, Funkmess)

Knickebein receiver apparatus FuG28a  (additional to :navigational aids)


Curious archive devices (displays) (new section started on: 27 June 2006)(in progress)

Elster DMG 2T: "Richtfunk" or UHF telephone link

Reisz Mikrophon (Reiss Mikrofon / microphone): Reiss microphne type 105

Empfängerprüfer Torn. Fu. bf1: Funkprüfer bf1


Consider also (or, back to): Lichtenstein radars, paper by Hans Jucker

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