Radio Mentor
Diese Sender des Mittel- und Langwellenbereiches dürfen in Deutschland abgehört werden
Heft 12,
Dezember 1941
(December 1941)
page 528
language, pdf)
However, this register is self-explaining
List of authorized
broadcasting stations, which German citizens may listen to (1941/42).
Listening to not authorized Radio stations was a criminal offence and caused a
capital punishment.
Incorporated in this list are stations by Germans occupied territories, such as, for example, Riga; Belgrad; Paris; Rennes; Oslo; Hilversum I & II; ... Norddeutsche Gleichwelle; Ostdeutsche Gleichwell; Schlesische Gleichwelle;...
Why they have not incorporated a list of shortwave stations is not clear. Interesting is also, that, for instance, Italian broadcast stations had been excluded from this list notwithstanding, that Rome was a German ally.
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