Some aspects of the German
military “Abwehr” wireless service,
the course of World War Two
The German “Abwehr” was the
military intelligence organisation of the “Third Reich”.
This paper explains some aspects
of their wireless apparatus.
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Clandestine Radio, Funkmeldedienst des OKW-Amt
Ausland, Funkzentrale, Wireless operation service, Belzig, Übersee-Funkzentrale
(Uebersee-Funkzentrale), oversea wireless operations, Wohldorf, KST, HRO, R4 (R
4), Hamerlund Super Pro, Lo150FK38 (Lo 150 FK 38), Scharnhorst transmitter
(1932), RS20M (RS 20M), S85/14, E85, S85/14, S89/80, SE90/40, SE92/3, SE98/3,
SE99/10, SE108/10, SE108/3 reflex-circuitry, DLL22T, Gurtelpeiler, Kapsch-Nahfeld-Peiler, RN-3,
RN-6, Rudolf Staritz, G.J.Kijff, ORPO, Crossword key, Kreuzwortschlüssel,