By Dr.-Ing.
Bigalke, Berlin
*It, nevertheless,
covers, comprehensively, publications of various countries (480 papers);
originating from: America, Britain, France, Russia and, of course, Germany. This
contribution shows the state of affairs of early 1939. All those, interested in
the history of CRT oscillographs, should consider this survey.
Keywords, some of the authors
being listed (by far not entirely):
Manfred von Ardenne, Glaser - Ruska, Ferdinand
Braun, J.J. Thomson, W. Kaufmann & Aschkinass, J. Zenneck, A. Wehnelt, L.
Mandelstamm, J. Langmuir, E. Lilienfeld, L.M. Hull, E. Ruska & M. Knoll,
Rogowski, Scheller, V.K, Zworykin, W. Gaedecke, E. Sommerfeld, Farnsworth, Hans
Awender, H.E. Hollmann, W. Heimann, H. Norider, J.B. Johnson, A.B. Wood, H.H.
Scott, R.A. WatsonWatt, Arturo Castellani, J.E. Pollak, A. Bigalke, F.Bedell &
H.J. Reich, B. van der Pol, W.B. Nottingham, G. Ulbricht, A. Glaser, L.H.
Bedford & O.S. Puckle, R. Batscher, Harker & G.F. Herrenden, K. Kobayaski, W.
holzer, P. Nagy, W. Kleen, M.J.O. Strutt & A. van der Ziel, J.F.H. Custers, R.E.
Morton, F.C. Williams and J.P. Welfenden, H.C. Webster, L.E.Q. Walker, D.A.
Keys, E.V. Appleton, H. Diamond & J.S. Webb, J.A. Fleming, H. Krüger & H.
Plendl, W.R. Mac Lean & S.I. Sivian, E. Brüche, T.J. Fielding, H.F. Mayer, J.D.
Kelley, F. Postlethwaite, Marcel Demontvignier, Douglas Robertson, ..........
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