Funktechnische Monatshefte

Monatsausgabe des “Funk”

(German language, pdf)

Neuere versuche zur Erzeugung extrem kurzer Wellen mit Magnetfeldrühren
(6 mm bis 5 cm)

By Hans Awender

This paper is based on work done at the research lab of General Electric in the US. Consider also our "Radar II" link, at our Introduction site (Start menu).
It is very significant, that already in 1937, and in the US 1936, non censured articles on radar techniques had been issued. Post war publications have ignored these yielded facts.

It shows (prove), that radar work had been commenced at the Research lab of GE on Doppler and pulsed radar techniques.

They employed B-K (Barkhausen-Kurz)(Bremsfeldröhren) valves, also known as retarding field tubes (valves). Its feature is, that it represents a negative resistance parallel onto the front-end circuitry of the receiver.

Awender derived his paper from General Electric Review 39, of 1936. GE’s work (Chester W. Rice) also culminated in several patents (consider Radar II). Their apparatus worked at 4.7 cm (6.25 GHz)!

Magnetron, Polarisationsvorrichtung, Dopplereffekt, Cleeton & Williams (Michigan-University), Kilgore, Kristalldetektor cosisting of: Eisen-Pyrit-Phosphorbronze


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