Nr 40/41
VII Jahrgang Oktober 1925
Die Grossstation Malabar-Radio
Auf Java
von W. Doetsch
Probably the most comprehensive paper of those days on Radio Malabar
(German language, pdf, 2.8 MB)
Telefunken “Maschienensender” (400 kW antenna power)(HF machine-generator) at
Malabar was by far more reliable than Dr. de Groot’s famous Poulsen
arc- type transmitter (which could, however, supply up to 2400 kW into the antenna). There existed a
controversy between Dr. de Groot and the Dutch authorities in The Hague, who had
purchased two Telefunken “Maschinensender” in late 1918, of which one was
erected in Kootwijk Radio and the second one was, finally, installed at Radio
Malabar (near Bandung on West-Java).
Beit, against Dr. de Groot’s will. For quite a long time he neglected its
existence. When Dr. de Groot’s own Poulsen type transmitter failed during the
opening ceremony on 5 May 1923, he even did not consider to communicate with Holland
by means of the Telefunken transmitter, to transfer a message to Dutch Queen
Wilhelmina, who desperately waited for a radio message from Dutch Indies (now Indonesia).
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